Sunday, 19 February 2012!

The incredible lessons of a GAP year never cease to be taught. It's strange living in a situation like this, and sometimes I wonder what the point actually is. Especially because it is taking a year out of my normal life. It can be quite easy to get caught up in the daily "drudge"; the bus rides to work, the research, the prep work for events, the communication, even the weather. It can be slightly disheartening at times. I am entering the the third stage of my Gap year and I think it's a good time to assess.

I often find it difficult to view my service as valuable because, realistically, if I didn't do it someone else would. Most of the things I do aren't really difficult, they're just time consuming. And I feel like I do them just to free up others to do the more complicated things.

But is that really the case? In a practical sense, yes. In a creative sense, maybe not. I am struck, recently by the different qualities each person brings to a team. Everyone has gifts and talents that are often highlighted in the service they do. This can add a life to situations and have a very edifying effect on others. It's helped me to see the value not so much in the tasks themselves, but in the spirit of the one who completes them.

This has proved to be a difficult year in many respects and I think I have been in a continual process of change since I arrived..(which, I've discovered, can be quite painful.)
I find it encouraging to remember that to experience is to change. And if I made it through an entire GAP year without growing or changing at all, it would certainly be a year wasted! So, I try to take it in stride, embrace the changes and learn to enjoy the process as much as possible.

I really appreciate all the prayers and support, and please keep them coming! I will update again soon and I apologize for the scarcity of my posts of late. Cheers.