Monday 5 March 2012

Confessions of an American Gapper

I caught myself saying "Janie Mac" today. The words were coming out before I could do anything about it. I still tried to stop them, which resulted in what sounded like a truly frustrated "JANIE" followed by a timidly slow-motioned "MAaaaaaccc."
I gasped and clapped my hand over my mouth as quickly as possible (as though, somehow, I could physically take the words out of the air and place them back in my mouth like they'd never escaped).

I honestly never thought I'd see the day. Janie Mac is a common exclamation of surprise or frustration in Ireland. It was the first phrase I made fun of upon arrival and for the past 6 months whenever anyone uttered these words I would chuckle to myself, privately enjoying the secret hilarity of such a ridiculous way to exclaim. Today marks the end of this fun little inside joke I had...with myself.
*I release a defeated sigh and place my hand over my eyes for a moment*

So, with humility I admit to God and to the world, not that I was wrong to laugh at my Irish friends all year, but that I must learn to laugh at myself or not laugh at all. Bam. Lesson learned.