Why I am Here

Welcome! Throughout the year I intend to post recent events, experiences and developments that take place on my GAP year in order that anyone who is interested can keep up with me while I'm away.

To begin, I should probably give a preview of what a GAP year is and how I came to be on one. I am a member of an international Christian Community of Communities called the Sword of the Spirit (SOS). There are communities all around the world that are affiliated with the SOS and I am from the Word of Life in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

A GAP year is an opportunity for young Christians (ages 18-25) to travel to a different community and offer a year of service to them and to God. It is up to the GAPper (me) to raise my own money in order to live and serve for a year in this community without any income.

The fact that I am in Dublin still amazes me! I had to send out fundraising letters to other members of my community, family and friends. I would not be here but for the amazing support of these wonderful people in my life.

I have been here for one month exactly and I never even expected to get on the plane. I applied to do this GAP year extremely late in the game and didn't expect to get a response from anyone. But the Lord had His hand in it and the Community of Nazareth in Dublin had room for me and invited me to come and serve despite the fact that I applied so late and had not raised nearly enough money to get through the year. So here I am, in Dublin!!

Anyone who knows me could tell you that I have a natural tendency to worry about things and the fact that I have not raised enough money yet for the year is a source of anxiety for me. But I also sense the Lord calling me on to place my worries on Him and to just "Ride the waves"--> This is a whole new concept for me because I really like to be in control..it's going to be wild ride! *yikes*

Dublin is a fantastic city. I live with a family here and one other GAPper (who is also from Michigan) and it feels like home already. They are so welcoming and genuine. I am sure they will play major roles in the future of this exciting story about the year to come.

I hope you will find this enjoyable and informative. I have never written a blog before and am a little bit intimidated, so bear with me and I will do my best :) Thanks for stopping in!

I would greatly appreciate any prayers you could send my way! God Bless.